Download Form

Guidelines before downloading the form

We thank you for registering you NGO with us.

We request you to read this document carefully before your download the NGO registration form.

NOTE - * means the field is mandatory, if left blank you NGO registration will not be accepted.

(1) Name of NGO* - Write your NGO name here.

(2) State of Operations* Please mention states where your NGO is operationing. You can write multiple states separated by , (Please write in Capitalize format) e.g - Uttar Pradesh,Haryana,Rajasthan,Himachal Pradesh

(3) Districts of Operations* - Please mention districts where your NGO is in operation. You can write multiple districts separated by , e.g Ghaziabad,Hapur,Alwar,Manali

(4) Thematic sector of work* -

    Choose the thematic sector, your NGO works upon. You can write multiple themes separated by , and please write as written below e.g. health,education,animal welfare,environment.
  • health
  • education
  • disability
  • skill development
  • women empowerment
  • livelihood
  • animal welfare
  • environment
  • wildlife conservation
  • elderly care
  • For WASH- Water, Sanitation and Hygiene write wash sanitation
  • agriculture and farming
  • orphanage
  • child care
  • disaster
  • For Poverty and Hunger write poverty
  • For Natural Resource Management write nrm
  • For Renewable Energy write renew energy
  • road safety
  • sports
  • rural development
  • Infrastructure
  • Art & Culture
  • Eco-Tourism
  • Human Trafficking
  • Advocacy and Capacity Building
  • Volunteer Activity
  • Human rights
  • Gender Equality
  • Community development

(5) Address* - Enter the complete address of your NGO.

(6) Corresponding Address* - Enter the Corresponding address.

(7) Chief Functionary Name* - Write name of Chief Functionary .

(8) Chief Functionary Email* - Write email of Chief Functionary.

(9) Chief Functionary Phone Number - Write phone number of Chief Functionary.

(10) Contact Person Name - Write Contact Person Name.

(11) Contact Person Phone Number - Write Contact Person Phone Number.

(12) Contact Person Phone Number - >Write email of Contact Person.

(13) Legal Status - There are 3 options for this field, write anyone (as written below):-

  • society
  • trust
  • section_8/25_comapany

(14) Location of Registration - Write State, where your NGO is registered (Please write in Capitalize format).

(15) Registration Date (dd/mm/yy)* - Select the date when your NGO got Registered. eg 1 February, 2016.

(16) PAN* - Write your PAN number here.

(17) TAN - Write your TAN number here.

(18) FCRA - Write your FCRA number here.

(19) DARPAN ID - Write your DARPAN ID here.

(20) 12A Certificate Number* - Write 12A Certificate Number here.

(21) Income Tax Exemption - There are 3 options for this field, write anyone (as written below)

  • 80G
  • 35AC
  • both

(22) Website URL - If you have website / blog of your NGO, write the URL here.

(23) Registration Certificate Number - Write your Registration Certificate Number here.

(24) Financial Year- Please Enter one of mentioned below (as written) for Gross Receipt -

  • 2016-2017
  • 2017-2018

(25) Gross Year Amount - Write Gross Year Amount here(Do not use comma). eg: - 10000

(26) List Of Networks - Write all local and national networks you are member of.(use comma for multiple)

(27) Validated By OneStage's (registered as Charities Aid Foundation India) - Write "Y", If validated by OneStage's (registered as Charities Aid Foundation India) and Fill the Date of registration, Valid Till and OneStage's (registered as Charities Aid Foundation India) Certificate Number.
If not - write "N" and leave the Date Of Registration, Valid Till and OneStage's (registered as Charities Aid Foundation India) Certificate Number blank.

(28) Social Media - If you have acconts on social media write "Y" and enter your social media urls in Facebook URL, Twitter URL, LinkedIn URL, Instagram URL and other urls.
If you don't have any write "N" and leave other fields blank.

(29) Sponsored By - Write the name of your sponsors (use comma for multiple).

Download Form